Before public registrations open, agency administrators with the Administrator, Administrator Assistant or Treasurer role can create early-bird registration invitations to VIP groups

To create VIP invitations, click VIP invitation from Swim Manager Homepage. 
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If there are no VIP groups, then the following page is displayed for administrators to create a VIP group:
1. Edit the VIP group name.
2. Select athletes to add to VIP group and then click Continue.
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 If there are VIP groups, but the required group does not exist, administrators can create a new VIP group by clicking Create VIP group.
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If the required group exists, then agency administrators can Edit the group or create invitations.
1. Click Actions > Invitations > Create invitation button
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2. Then select the program/location and click Next
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3. . Edit the invitation email template and then click Send

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Invited athletes are then emailed an invitation to the selected program.

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