When trying to open software and encounter error message: Runtime error 481 invalid picture, follow the instructions below:
  1. Close software
  2. Open Windows Explorer (Windows Start > Computer)
  3. Go to OSDisk (C:) > Hy-Sport > product folder (see chart below)
  4. Within product folder, find and Delete file listed below
Product FolderFile to Delete
  1. Open software

If issue persists:
  1. Close software
  2. Do a repair installation
    1. Begin installation process
      1. CD: Insert installation CD
      2. Web Delivery: run setup.exe file in web delivery email
    2. When asked to Repair, Modify, or Remove, select Repair
    3. Follow prompts to finish repair installation
  3. Open software
If issue still persists, perform a clean-install of the software. See instructions in Clean Install for Hy-Tek Software